How to Soothe Chapped Lips

VOYA’s Winter Skincare tips on how to beat those blemishes and dry skin!

Dry skin and annoying flaky dry patches tend to arrive hand in hand with the annual drop in temperature. The biggest beauty battle of the winter months is losing your skin’s lustre due to dropping temperatures chilling winds and storage heaters. Here at VOYA. we suggest that just like banishing those summer clothes to the attic for hibernation this winter when the cold creeps in, you should do the same with your skincare products.

Everyone’s skin becomes drier in the winter months, you are not alone, and we have pulled together a few tips to help you deal with flaky lips and dry skin.  This time of year, a good diet, hydration, protective serums, and specific hydrating products are what your dry skin requires. In the summer we tend to look our best as we are more active and drink more fluids, this is one factor that affects our skin’s glowing appearance when winter hits.

VOYA therapist and Head of Sales Emma Roberts knows that using a good seaweed-based moisturizer such as Pearlesque with a protective hydrating serum like My Little Hero in winter is the key to beating skin irritation and quenching those dry problem areas.

“For me, winter is all about layering, layer your clothes and layer your skincare! The drop in temperatures outside and heating inside will play havoc with your skin. Your skins functional barrier can become damaged making it more prone to dehydration and sensitivity though winter. I love to use My Little Hero serum followed by our Pearlesque Moisturiser; the combination is a complete survival blanket for the skin.  While the serum works on nourishing the deeper layers of the skin, the moisturiser locks in the serum, repairs and protects the skins natural barriers. The results are a happy healthy skin throughout the winter months.

Exercise and Diet

A healthy lifestyle is key to feeling and looking great. Try and get to an exercise class or to the pool at least once a week to get the blood circulation going and your pulse rate up, we know it’s tempting to sit in by the fire, but a burst of exercise is how to keep your complexion in an angelic glowing state. Don’t forget to eat your greens too, did you know broccoli contains a massive amount of skin-boosting ingredients, Vitamin A & C as well as natural estrogens and essential fatty acids. Tip – just ensure you don’t overcook it; we like our broccoli al dente not just for the taste but also for the hidden skin benefits.

Winter Water Tips

Although it’s tempting at the moment, try not to turn the temperature of your shower up too much, as hot water is very dehydrating to your skin.  To get the best moisture-boosting benefits after the shower, use a body oil immediately after soaking and towel blotting. We suggest one of VOYA’s organic seaweed body oils, Angelicus Serratus or Mindful Dreams which is one of our newest oils, containing laminaria digitata and a refined and luxurious lavender & rosemary scent to therapeutically soothe while your skin receives a moisture boost like no other!

You can’t expect to have purified and hydrated skin if you don’t hydrate from within. Don’t forget to keep drinking your lemon water in the morning and throughout the day, bring a water bottle with you or a tall glass at your desk at work to remind yourself to drink a larger quantity. You can also slice some lemon or add lemongrass to your water to make it not only tastier but also more beneficial and aim to drink two litres of water every day!

Organic Lip Balm

The biting cold this time of year means chapped lips is a real problem for people. We can’t have those know mistletoe kisses off the cards, we need to battle dry lips.  What a lot of people don’t know is that petroleum, used in many lip balms (that are not certified organic)  tend to dry your lips even further, the more you use,  the drier your lips become. Petroleum jelly may contain carcinogens (depending on the company’s refining process) and cause reactions. ‘’It also suffocates them your lips rather than moisturize.’’

Beeswax and seaweed used in VOYA’s Balmelicious lip balms, seals moisture inside the lips, helping to repair chapped lips and prevent dry skin. We also champion the environmentally friendly, feel-good factor with our lip balms as they are made from starch (not plastic) and so are 100% biodegradable! 


In the winter it is very important to exfoliate to get rid clear away those dead skin cells and maintain your glow factor. Enzyme exfoliator maintains and minimizes fine lines and breakouts. For your skin to look as radiant and clear as it possibly can, you need to exfoliate once or twice a week depending on your skin type. Check out our latest blog on organic exfoliators and find out why they are so important, and which one will suit you best!

Good Oil

We’ve been preaching about this since our luxury golden packaged skincare range for combination skin launched earlier this year! Oil can be used to battle oil production! These products achieve a glowing dewy look in winter and will balance your skin’s natural oil (sebum) production.  These products are also brilliant for combating adult acne, as they contain an abundance of anti-inflammatory properties.

Seaweed Baths

Seaweed baths again, why? Because they are literally good for every ailment.

When seaweed is steamed the polymers in the seaweed act as a carrier for minerals, vitamins, proteins, and polysaccharides, creating a natural alkaline poultice.  These amazing luxurious oils surround the body, which is acidic by contrast, and by the simple process of osmosis, the body is detoxified, and minerals are replaced. These oils are naturally suspended in the water and as heat has opened the body’s pores, these oils are readily absorbed!

Dunk our Lazy Days seaweed in a hot bath with a few drops of the signature VOYA Essence Oil. Place a VOYA candle beside your bathtub and allow the natural, seaside scents to relax your mind.

As well as feeling amazing, this will improve the blood circulation in your body and improve the texture of your skin (cellulite, stretch marks, be gone!) Prolong your relaxation session with a nice cup of VOYA Herbal tea. Camomile is preferable and will calm any frayed nerves.